Monday, February 7, 2022

Daniel Schell & Karo - 1990 - The Secret Of BWLCH

Daniel Schell & Karo
The Secret Of BWLCH

01. Choral
02. Souvenir d'une vague
03. Parfume, mon frere bilingue
04. Soit ilot
05. Le secret de la pyramide
06. Le nouvel an Birman
07. Le Voyageur
He passes the night for the dying of the wind
08. Cwlch se cache
09. Il fouine dans l'eau des havres
10. The secret of Blwch
11. Midir perd l'oeil
12. Het gezin van paemel, opening
13. Papegai, quartet for clarinet and strings

- Dirk Descheemaeker / clarinet
- Jan Kuijken / cello
- Jean-Luc Plouvier / keyboards
- Pierre Narcise / tabla drums
- Daniel Schell / Chapman stick
- Patrick Verstraeten / French horn
- Pierre Van Dormael / guitar
- Jean-Luc Manderlier / keyboards

Halvenhalf Quartet:
- Jeannot Gillis / violin
- Jacqueline Rosenfelt / violin
- Claudine Steenackers / cello
- Wiet Van Der Leest / viola

Choirs and voices:
- Marie-Paule Fayt / Soprano
- Lucy Grauman / Alto
- Bernard Plouvier / Tenor
- Claude Massoz - Bariton

This second album is well in the musical alignment of its predecessor (that means pompously that it sounds a bit like the one before it;-) although with a slight Tango twist (this means that you could dance with your grandma to this album) with some flabbergasting meanders towards more modern classics (this meaning that your jaw drops to the floor and your ears melt and your mind orgasms)

The album's centrepiece is clearly written for century to come is the 8 min+ Soit Ilot with Haut-Voltige choirs. Of course in such an Oeuvre (yessssss!!!!! With a capital if you please ;-), we are not listening to rock anymore, but never mind those details, every symphonic rock will simply love this stuff. A little weirder are the next two tracks with their Asian feels not successfully translated to synthesisers, but Le Voyageur clearly brings back the splendid atmospheres to fall on the other major work: the BLWCH mini-suite cut into four distinct movements - these guys take Univers Zero's music yet another step towards perfection. The last two tracks being strictly classical and rather downplaying the excitement built-up just before.

Relatively uneven, this is one of those albums that could give your musical adventures a real twist and not necessarily the way you would expect it.

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