Thursday, October 7, 2021

SBB - 2001 - Budaj Ifjusagi Park Live 1977

Budaj Ifjusagi Park Live 1977

01. Freedom with us (12:15)
02. Wolnosc z nami (12:32)
03. Z milosci Jestem (6:10)
04. Follow our music (18:56)
05. I want somebody (6:31)
06. Shake baby (6:12)
07. Born to die (7:03)

- Jozef Skrzek / bass, piano, moog, vocals
- Antymos Apostolis / guitar
- Jerzy Piotrowski / percussion

Most SBB live performances contain similar material performed over and over again. This is however, rather a plus because of the interpretation is always different, containing much freshness due to artistic freedom rightfully demonstrated. There are instances when the original tune is barely recognizable. In other words, just about any live album is worth checking out, containing many surprises. This one is no different.

Sure, it's not an easy task of reproducing the visual aspects on a CD. The true mastery of Skrzek attending to the frets on his bass with one hand whilst playing a soaring solo on the Mini Moog with the other. Chances are, the tape may have run out as these guys are prone to playing very long sets.

Anyway, what's on offer here is still excellent

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