Sunday, May 26, 2024

Coma - 1977 - Financial Tycoon

Financial Tycoon

01. Up from the Sump... (0:25)
02. Financial Tycoon 1 (6:16)
03. Peer Grynt (3:55)
04. One of Them Crazy Gurues in Love (3:51)
05. Fulton (6:11)
06. Financial Tycoon 2 (4:28)
07. A Hard Banana (2:44)
08. Frank Fedling (5:33)
09. ...Down from the Trees (1:54)
10. Tumbling Shadows (8:13)

Leif Christiansen (Guru) / bass
Klaus Thrane: drums & percussion, piano
Viggo Bertelsen / guitar
Jakob Mygind alto, tenor & soprano saxophones
Flemming Friberg: vocals, Guitae

Recorded 1976 in "Plexus Sound Studio", Ringsted

COMA formed in 1971 in Frederikshavn with some of the ex-members of the band RAMASJANG, and some of the earliest members were Uffe MARKUSSEN, Flemming FRIBERG and Jakob MYGIND. The stable line-up of the band was made in 1973 with the addition of Klaus THRANE, Viggo BERTELSEN and Leif CHRISTENSEN, with whom they made their debut Financial Tycoon in 1977. The complicated sound of this avantgarde jazz rock band is harder to describe, which is seen in their taste of musicians they apreciate: KING CRIMSON, JOHN COLTRANE, FRANK ZAPPA and JIMI HENDRIX; and it can be heard on Financial Tycoon that they were not strangers to some eastern music as well. After their debut they released Amoc in 1980, and not limited to music, they were active in local political activities in Frederikshavn and remained active through the early 80's releasing some singles. COMA can be recommended to people who like their already mentioned role models (especially ZAPPA, their instrumental and lyrical inspiration) and music with some similarities to NATIONAL HEALTH, GONG and SUPERSISTER.

This album is one of the best to come out of Denmark, in fact right now I'd say it's my favourite. I'd also mention SECRET OYSTER's "Furtive Pearl" and DR. DOPO JAM's "Entree" as possibly my top three from that nation. All three have that jazzy style that I love and certainly "Financial Tycoon" and "Entree" have strong Zappa influences both instrumentally and lyrically. Other bands I thought of while listening to "Financial Tycoon" were early KRAAN and SUPERSISTER. The band thanks Jimmy Carter, the CIA and Frank Zappa among others. Funny guys as the three tracks with lyrics attest. This was released in 1977 and the lyrics would really be considered politically incorrect these days(haha). Lots of sax and guitar in fact there are two guitarists.

"Up From The Sump..." is something like 21 seconds of spacey but dramatic sounds before "Financial Tycoon 1" kicks in. I really dig the melody to this one as the horns blast away. It settles back after 1 1/2 minutes then the humerous vocals kick in. So good. A nice sax/ drum section eventually follows then the guitar comes in lighting it up. I love the tone of the guitar. "Peter Grynt" has a feel good sound to it at first but then the tempo picks up and the guitar joins in picking away. Sax comes in as well with guns a blazing. I like how melancholic the guitar is that follows. "One Of Them Crazy Gurues In Love" is pleasant and jazzy with relaxed horns. Vibes later as the horns and drums continue. "Fulton" is a top four and this ends side one. How good does this sound!? Again the guitar just hits the spot for me. It then settles into a relaxed horn led section, in fact it's quite psychedelic here. The guitar is back along with a yell. Themes are repeated.

"Financial Tycoon 2" opens with the guitar and sax trading solos before it settles and the vocals arrive. Funny stuff. Instrumentally I'm thinking early GONG then we get some soaring guitar later. A top four. "A Hard Banana" has a catchy beat with guitar and sax playing over top. Some impressive drum work here and throughout this album really. "Frank Felding" is a top four with that heavier sound and how about that sax solo. More heaviness then it settles back as vibes help out. "... Down From The Trees" has guest violin leading the way in this short instrumental piece. "Tumbling Shadows" is my final top four. Sax eventually leads the way but it trades off with the guitar. Vocals arrive then some dissonant sax when he stops singing. Nice guitar work halfway through as he is ripping it up. So impressive. It settles late as the vocals return along with sax. The guitar is back with 2 minutes to go and it turns chaotic just before the song ends.

Complex yet so funny certainly describes Zappa doesn't it? And this album from COMA as well. I believe a couple of these amazing instrumentalists from this band now play with Robin Taylor who is still putting out great music. This is almost flawless for my taste



  2. You piqued my curiosity with the mention of Crimson, Coltrane, Zappa & Hendrix as the band's musical touchstones. Thanks for the introduction!

    1. I remember seeing it on someone's Napster back in the day when there was not as much info on the net as today, and I asked this guy, who later i discovered was a major collector in Sweden, about the band, and if it was worth the 10 hour download time, and he gave me exactly that description. I left for work in the morning, left the pc downloadingg the album. by the time I got home, it was there... and it blew my mind!
