Monday, September 20, 2021

Kollektiv - 2001 - SWF-Sessions Volume 5

SWF-Sessions Volume 5

01. Tamboura (8:16)
02. Subo (8:20)
03. Mollzitter (14:19)
04. Baldrian (6:29)
05. Gageg (20:09)

Jürgen Havix / guitar, zither
Klaus Dapper / saxes, flute
Jürgen Karpenkiel / bass
Waldemar Karpenkiel / drums

Recorded at Südwestfunkstudio U1, Baden-Baden, Germany, 06.07.1973

Here are one of the true hidden gems to come out of the 70's German underground scene. This album since I first heard it has moved into the ranks amongst my all time Krautrock favs... and for good reason. I would rank this album on par with the first 2 NEU ! albums and in favt can draw many similarities to their music. KOLLEKTIV were a 4 piece band led by jazz and experimentalist Klaus Dapper (flute and sax). Musically this is a pure juxtaposition of early PINK FLOYD (aka "Ummagumma") with NEU. This all instrumental album really knows how to soar into the depths of space. One of those albums that you toss late at night into the stereo and just sit back and relax too. There is nothing to loud or musically complex here but rather seductive and transcedental. KOLEKTIV musically blend soft flute with flowing bass guitar and drum lines. This is one of those albums where all 4 instruments work to perfection. Highly recommended.

Much of it sounds like Kraftwerk's "Ruckzuck", but aiming for a flowing jazz rock rather than the stop-start avant-garde ugliness Kraftwerk actually went for. I am not a fan of jazz, and this does get close to my tolerance levels; and maybe Rambo Zambo is actually too long and 19-20 minute would have done; but these are minor carps about more than 80 minutes of top notch music. I can honestly think of no better example of the Kraut strain of jazz rock.

Quite a different approach from their sole studio album. Slowly unravels, exploratory and ponderous. A unique take on jazzy krautrock that never feels the need to show off technical chops but instead prefers to blanket the listener in its otherworldly atmosphere.

Very adventurous and brilliantly performed mix of jams bordering a fusion of krautrock, psychedelic blues and jazz-rock. It has a highly meditative quality to it, which has a zeal of musical virginity that never ages. Recommended stuff.

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