Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Tony Williams - 1979 - The Joy Of Flying

Tony Williams
The Joy Of Flying

01. Going Far 4:13
02. Hip Skip 8:03
03. Hittin' On 6 6:18
04. Open Fire 6:15
05. Tony 6:50
06. Eris 3:33
07. Coming Back Home 6:06
08. Morgan's Motion 8:18

Tony Williams / drums
Stanley Clarke / bass
Paul Jackson / bass
Mario Cipollina / bass
George Benson / guitar
Ronnie Montrose / guitar
Jan Hammer / keyboards
Herbie Hancock / keyboards
Brian Auger / hammond B3
Cecil Taylor / piano
Ralph MacDonald / percussion
Michael Brecker / tenor sax
Tom Scott / lyricon[track 3-5]
Jon Faddis / trumpet
David Sanborn / alto sax
Ronnie Cuber / baritone sax
Barry Rogers / trombone

It would be an understatement to say that there was a fair amount of variety on this set. Drummer Tony Williams is heard in two duets with keyboardist Jan Hammer, with a quartet also including keyboardist Herbie Hancock, Tom Scott (who unfortunately sticks to lyricon) and bassist Stanley Clarke, and he welcomes rock guitarist Ronnie Montrose, keyboardist Brian Auger, guitarist George Benson, Hammer and tenorman Michael Brecker on other tracks. Much of this music is closer to R&B than to jazz, although there are many strong moments. But the most interesting selection is certainly "Morgan's Motion" which matches Williams with pianist Cecil Taylor in a powerful (and completely atonal) collaboration

A key record in the evolution of Tony Williams as a drummer -- and kind of a powerful summation of all the changes he'd made in the 70s -- before a return to straighter jazz in the next decade! Williams' drumming here is incredibly fierce at points -- almost at a Billy Cobham level -- but he also shows the sensitivity to deeper sounds that he first brought into play during the 60s -- and manages to mix an ear for fusion modes with some freer elements too

This album is ... excellent! This killer shuffle on "Going Far" is just great. Jan Hammer does a great job too. The second song "Hip Skip" is an awesome funky song which has Jan Hammer, George Benson, funky bassist Paul Jackson, Michael Brecker and Ralph McDonald. "Hittin on 6" is funky too and has Herbie and Stanley playin'. Now comes the hard-rock part of the album: "Open Fire" - a real hard rockin' song. My favorite song( out of 7 killer cuts)is "Tony" by Stanley Clarke. Gotta love Herbie's playing and Tony's tight grooves.. "ERIS" is another song which has Jan Hammer doing Keyboards and all synths and Tony's awesome drumming - but now it's not funky like on "Going far", now its rocking. Great playing - thayt isy Tony. "Coming Home" is a beatiful song. The only song I couldn't get into is the last one, "Morgan's Motion", which has Tony and Cecil Taylor doing a duo - just too free for me.

Get this album - its DOPE!

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